One theater – 2x the number of seats

The Mack Rides Flying Theater Ride is designed and developed to deliver a full immersive flying experience wherein the guests are positioned in front of huge spherical media screen. The guests are positioned in three levels; each level offers seats for 12 guests, in total 36 seats.
Each seat bench unit has 4 degrees of freedom (DoF): Heave, pitch, roll and yaw. Detailed investigations have shown that those degrees of freedom are mandatory and sufficient to ensure a perfect flying experience.
Additionally multiple special effects like, wind, water and sense is installed within the roof above the guests to enhanced the overall ride experience.
In order to address the operational challenges for the time consuming unloading and loading process of existing Flying Theaters, the Mack Rides design incorporates and consider a first-of-its-kind rotating main tower structure wherein both sides offers 3 levels with 36 seats on each side. This will facilitate that the unloading and loading task can be easily done while the other 36 guests are enjoying the ride. For example, if the film is 4:30min long the load and unload time is equally also 4:30min and will not affect the hourly capacity of the ride at all.