Privacy Policy

The protection of your personal data is extremely important to MACK Rides. That we follow and adhere to the statutory regulations on data protection and data security is a matter of course for us. All data concerning your person, such as mode of address, given name, family name, address, telephone number, fax, email address, IP address, etc., are considered personal data. We would like you to know which of your personal data we collect when and for what purpose.

We have taken technical and organisational measures to ensure that both we and our external service providers comply with the provisions governing data protection. Your data is protected according to the statutory provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz).

We collect, save and use your personal data for the purposes of providing you with access to special information and communicating with you. This policy contains information about the data collected during your visits to the homepage and the use of these data.

For questions or comments concerning data protection, please contact the external data protection officer of MACK Rides GmbH & Co. KG via email at or via post at: Data protection officer, MACK Rides GmbH & Co KG, Mauermattenstrasse 4, 79183 Waldkirch, Germany

Collection and processing of data

By transmitting your personal data to us, you consent to the collection, processing and use of your data according to this privacy policy. This can occur in the following ways:

Website access

A record is made every time our homepage or a file (like the product portfolio PDF) on our homepage is accessed. This data is saved for internal system purposes. The following data are recorded: Name of the file accessed, protocol type (e.g. http/1.1), date and time of access, data volume transferred, notification of successful access and web browser. For security reasons, the IP address is also saved for a short time. These records are only accessed in the event of security breaches for the purpose of criminal investigations. Personal user profiles are not created!

Sent Data

Contact form

When contact is made via our website, we collect various personal data from you with our contact form. In order for us to process your inquiry with a minimum of your personal data, we require the following mandatory fields: your name, email address, and your message.  All additional information, such as telephone number, are voluntary and exceed the required information. By selecting the department you can choose the destination of your message e.g. Mack Services, the sales department.  These data are used to directly create an unencrypted email to us – without intermediate storage – which you transmit to us by clicking send. It should be noted that the email is unencrypted and that we therefore request that you do not send confidential data or information through this channel.


The internet web pages use “cookies” in several places. Cookies help us to make our website more user friendly, more effective and more secure. Cookies are small text files which are placed on your computer and stored in your browser. Most of the cookies we use are “session cookies” which are automatically deleted as soon as you leave the website. Cookies do not cause any damage to your computer and do not contain viruses.

Use of Web Services

Google Maps

In order to display maps and create rous we use Google Maps, from the company Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. With your usage you agree that data is collected, used and processed by Google Inc., their subsidiaries as well as third parties. The terms and conditions of Google Maps can be found here

Should you not agree you can use this link to deactivate this service

Google Web Fonts

We use Google Web Fonts to display different types of fonts on this website. By using Google Web Fonts a connection is made to the server of Google in the US so Google can track the usage of this font. More about the privacy policy can be found at the website of ‚Google‘.

Use of Social Media Plugins

Use of Facebook Plugins

Our website uses Social Plugins (“Plugins”) of, operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”). The Plugins are marked with the Facebook Logo oder the addition „Follow us on Facebook“. An overview of the Facebook-Plugins can be found here:

When opening our website, the browser connects directly o the servers of Facebook and submits e.g. your IP address.

By implementing these plugins, Facebook generates the information that you opened a site on our websites. If you are logged in to Facebook, they will connect this data to your account. If you interact with the plugins, e.g. by using the „Like“ button, the information will be sent directly from your browser to Facebook.

We want to make clear that we don’t know about the submitted data and their purpose that is sent by the plugin to Facebook. More information about the usage can be found in the privacy policy of Facebook itself:

If you don’t like that Facebook is collecting data about your visit on our website, please log out in advance. If you don’t want your IP to be submitted, please refrain from using our web services-

YouTube Plugin

On our website we use the video platform YouTube, which is operated by YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave,  San Bruno CA 94066, USA (“YouTube”).  YouTube is a platform dedicated to the reproduction of audio and video files. When you access a page of our internet presence, the integrated YouTube player on that page connects to YouTube in order to ensure the technical transmission of the file or audio file. When connecting to YouTube, data are transmitted to YouTube. We draw your attention to the fact that we have no knowledge of the content of the data transferred in this way or YouTube’s use of the data. Please inform yourself on YouTube’s webpage about their use of your data and your rights and data privacy setting options in order to protect your privacy.

Twitter plugin

On our website we use the video platform YouTube, which is operated by Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA (“Twitter”).  By using Twitter and the function “re-tweet” your visited pages will be linked to your Twitter-Account and published to other users. By this action, data will be sent to Twitter. We highlight, that MACK Rides doesn’t have any insight in the volume of the transmitted date and the usage of Twitter with this data. More information can be found at the privacy policy of Twitter at

To change your privacy settings at Twitter please go to your account settings


We do not use web-analysis tools like Google Analytics or PIWIK.

Using and sharing personal data

If you have provided us with personal data we only use such data in response to your queries, for technical administration and, with your consent, for marketing purposes. Your personal data shall only be disclosed to third parties or otherwise communicated if this is necessary for the purpose of performing the contract and / or making settlement, or if we are obligated to by law or if you have consented in advance.

You have the right to revoke your consent with effect for the future at any time.

Stored personal data is deleted whenever you revoke your consent to its storage, whenever knowledge of such data is no longer required for the purpose of meeting the purpose for which the data has been stored, i.e. when the process is completed and no statutory time limit for deletion mandates otherwise, or if the data cannot be stored for any other legal reasons. If the data cannot be deleted, they will be frozen for further processing until the statutory time limit for deletion has passed.


Links to other sites

The Hamburg Regional Court (Landgericht Hamburg) declared on 12 May 1998 – Reference No.: 312 O 85/98 – that a company / person assumes responsibility for the content of any third party websites which they link to unless the company / person expressly distances itself from the linked content. For this reason, MACK Rides GmbH & Co. KG hereby expressly distances itself from the content of all linked websites. MACK Rides has no influence over the content of the sites linked to and therefore assumes no liability for the content being up-to-date, correct or complete, nor for its quality or future design. Sole responsibility for the content of any linked website lies with the providers of the linked website.


Please note the individual privacy policies of these third parties whose websites are linked to. This privacy policy applies exclusively to the web presence of MACK Rides GmbH & Co. KG.

Right to informational self-determination

You have the right to know what data of yours we have saved (right of access to data) and to correct incorrect data and/or to have these data deleted or frozen. We request that you submit a written inquiry if you wish to see what data related to your person we have saved. We would be happy to respond to your request. Please be aware that we must ensure that you have the right to this information as the party concerned – for the protection of your personal data.

If you have the opinion that the processing of your data violates data protection law or if your data protection claims have otherwise been violated in any way, you can complain to the supervisory authority.

Der Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit
Hausanschrift: Königstrasse 10 a, 70173 Stuttgart
Postanschrift:: Postfach 10 29 32, 70025 Stuttgart
Tel.: 0711/615541-0, FAX: 0711/615541-15,


Safety note

We do our best to protect your transmitted personal data by storing them in a safe environment. By using a non-encrypted E-Mail the data security can not be guaranteed. For confidential data please use the postal way of contacting us.