Outstanding innovation work: MACK Rides from impressed as a think tank in the 29th round of the TOP 100
competition. She was awarded the TOP 100 seal 2022 for this.

Only particularly innovative medium-sized companies receive this award.

On June 24, MACK Rides will also be personally honored for these achievements by the competition’s mentor, science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. The core of the TOP 100 innovation competition is a scientific selection process that the participants have to go through. On behalf of compamedia, the organizer of the comparison, the innovation researcher Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team Mack Rides based on more than 100 innovation indicators from five categories: innovation-promoting top management, innovation climate, innovative processes and organization, external orientation/open innovation and innovation success. Basically, the TOP 100 analysis is about the question of whether a company’s innovations are just a product of chance or whether they are planned systematically and can therefore be repeated in the future. The question of whether and how new products and product improvements will prevail on the market is given special weight.